I'm so beyond satisfied with my purchase! I've always wanted a bike, but have limited space and a small car- plus I always hated the idea of using one of those trunk racks... After lots of online shopping, I was excited to find a folding bike in my price range that looked cool and had perks. When I first got it, I was nervous, the box was very beat up from delivery and the bike didn't have many instructions for folding techniques. It definitely took several tries for me to get a hang of this, but now I'm a pro and can break that baby down and stick her in my trunk in less than a min! Riding my bike around a large campus has literally saved me hours in walking time this last year of school, plus helped alleviate my tired feet from traveling all day. Instead of a long, boring walk to class, I now get to do some fast flying, cardio that gets me ready for the day! My campus has lots of hills, and it performs well on these, while also maneuvering well through crowds of students. On my bike, I jump curbs and take it on dirt paths (nothing too extreme, like mountain trails, yet). I've ridden it frequently, since getting it in fall, and it's holding up very nicely. There's another folding bike on our campus, a Schwinn, I think, and that bike looks like a little baby tricycle compared to my Downtube. Now that summer is here, I can barely wait to take it to the beach and other local spots. I can't emphasize the convenience of having it always tucked in my trunk, I can just take it anywhere. I can honestly say, if someone stole my bike, I would buy the same again immediately. I ❤️ my Downtube!!
Couple times a week
Cal Poly Pomona, 3801 West Temple Avenue, Pomona, California, US
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