Upcoming Book on My Life

Posted by Dr. Yan Lyansky on May 26th 2022

The past year has been difficult on a personal level. Some people may have noticed that I wrote over a hundred Blog posts at the end of last year. It was a coverup to hide some very disturbing events. This year I started working on a book. I just finished my life story. It is 230 pages pre-editing on 8.5"x11" pages. I expect it will end up with around 350 6"x9" ( book pages ). 

The book documents my life from childhood until today. I expect most will be in shock after reading, the adversities I have overcome are amazing.

Writing has been an exercise that has changed my life, for the better. I hope that my experiences will help others in their paths.

I plan to release it for free or 99 cents. I can not envision making money on my experiences. However, if I am blessed enough to gain money, I will use it with wisdom to share with others. My hope is to open an animal sanctuary at the end of 2022.