Smiling and Kissing!

Posted by Dr. Yan Lyansky on Sep 17th 2018

This past year has been a real struggle. I had fundamental health issues that made me worried about my future. I tried everything to get better, diet, exercise, energy healing, yoga. However my problems persisted.

One day I watched an awesome video on Facebook. Dr. Robert Pennington talked about happiness & smiling. Then he continues that it works the other way around. Smiling makes you happy!

Once you smile it's impossible to yell, and be angry. Who knew the secret to happiness is smiling.

I find this to be a fascinating concept. I am trying to be happy all the time. It's making me better. Hopefully this continues.

Later I began experimenting with my baby. I have a two year old that is a bundle of joy when she's happy. However she SCREAMS when she is upset. It's hard to make her smile when she gets upset. However I can coax a kiss without much difficulty. After a kiss she is unable to scream or cry. It has turned into a joke between us. Several times she kisses me I ask her to cry. She can't. She ends up laughing with me.

Take care of your fundamentals: diet, exercise, relationships. Keep yourself happy by smiling and kissing. It works!